Health Benefits of Fasting

During this time of year, fasting becomes an important part of many people’s daily routines. Though those who are pregnant, in ill-health, or have certain medical conditions should generally avoid fasting, or speak to a doctor before doing so in some capacity, healthy individuals can see a myriad of health benefits from the practice. There’s science out there to back it, too. So, not to worry, that growling belly isn’t without its bright side! If you’re curious about all the good your fasting might be doing your body this Ramadan, be sure to check out this list.

It’s Great For Your Skin

When you fast, growth hormones get a kick in the pants. They start producing newer cells within the body. Anti-aging hormones also go into overdrive. The process within your body of older cells breaking down also becomes hyperactive. This leads the way to healthier cells and tissues forming in your body.  Annoying skin conditions like acne also improve. Collagen production also goes up, which is great at fighting those budding, or already existing, wrinkles.

It’s Good For Your Stomach

When we eat frequently, our organs tend to get a little over-worked. Your digestive system is constantly working hard to turn your food into energy, and storing some of it away in case of emergency. It’s also taking in the not so great for you stuff. By giving it a bit of a rest, you are giving your body time to excise the “bad” parts without sending anything new its way to have to process. Think of this as a great natural detox, without all the kale smoothies. Definitely a bonus.

It’s Good For Your Brain

The effects of fasting are similar to physical exercise for your brain. After you’re done fasting, your brain is flooded with higher levels of endorphins. That is the magical stuff that improves your mood, increases concentration, and helps keep you alert and focused. There is also some testing that suggests that fasting may help improve brain structure and overall function. Some animal studies have also suggested that there might be a positive correlation between fasting and improvements in things like Alzheimer’s. Talk about some serious brain power.

It’s Terrific For Your Metabolism

Did you know, fasting has actually been found to be better than counting calories when it comes to losing fat while still preserving muscle? Even though you might feel ravenous when it finally comes time to chow down, fasting helps regulate the hormone that controls hunger. This will help you not to over-eat. At the same time, it also triggers the enzymes in your liver that break down fats. This then stimulates your metabolism into action, and those nasty fats get turned into heat instead. Burn it up, baby!

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