Spotlight On: drink more water this summer!

In the summer, your body loses more fluids, which means it’s easier to become dehydrated and very crucial to sip on that H2O.

Easier said than done right? We know trying to drink more water every day can seem a bit boring and repetitive. But with some simple tricks and making some fun rules for yourself it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Here are our best tips for drinking more water every day.

Pause Drinking GIF by Anja Kotar - Find & Share on GIPHY

Drink a glass after every bathroom break

And it will set up a great cycle: The more water you drink, the more you’ll have to go to the bathroom, which means the more water you will drink, and so on.

Sip before every meal

Not only will it help you drink more, but it will also make you feel full and eat less.

Eat foods that have high water content

In the summer, watermelon is a great source for hydration, as it contains water. But you could also try eating cucumbers, celery, broccoli or spinach.

Keep a gallon jug nearby

It’s easier to remember to fill up on water when the source is nearby. Keep a gallon jug or large carafe at your desk as a constant reminder to drink up. The more you have to look at that water jug, the more you’ll remember to fill it and drink it.

Drink Water GIF by Shameless Maya - Find & Share on GIPHY

Use a marked water bottle

Personally having a fun, visual way to see my efforts adding up is just about the best way to get me to stick with something. And bonus points if the thing I’m using to mark my progress is as fun to look at as the progress itself. Check this one out.

Set a deadline for every liter

Don’t be too vague with your commitment. Break it down to different moments during the day. If you tell yourself to drink two glasses by 10 A.M., four by lunch, and six by 2 P.M, it will be much easier. Bite-size goals throughout the day is the key (this tip can be applied to literally anything you need to do that seems too daunting to start).

Reward yourself for hitting your goals

There’s nothing like a reward, even a small one, for accomplishing something you set out to do. It just makes you want to keep hitting that goal! Make a rule that if you hit your goal every day for a week, you get yourself that fancy coffee beverage or spend even longer than usual binging on Netflix or scrolling through Instagram

Now drink up and no more excuses!


Omaya Michelle

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