Best Home Remedies For Common Ailments

Sometimes, there’s no avoiding getting a doctor involved. But some common ailments you might suffer from can be easily treated right at home. Better yet, most of the solutions to these issues require things you likely already have sitting around. Ty out some of these home remedies next time you’re suffering from one of these issues, and watch your symptoms improve in no time.

Menstrual Cramps

To be blunt, sometimes it really sucks to be a female. Periods are pretty much the direct opposite of fun. If you experience particularly viscous cramps when Aunt Flo comes to visit, there are some good home remedies you can try. Heat is a huge help. Fill a hot water bottle, or take a heating pad, and place it against your abdomen. The heat helps the muscles to relax and ease the cramping. Gentle exercise such as yoga can also be beneficial. This is because exercise releases endorphins which are your body’s natural painkillers. Finally, make sure you’re drinking enough water! Dehydration is a major culprit when it comes to cramping

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Minor Burns

While most people know that aloe is the go-to for minor burns, honey is also an excellent home remedy. Honey seems like it’s good for just about everything, and apparently that includes minor burns. Honey is an anti-inflammatory, so applying it topically can help the area. It’s also naturally anti-bacterial, so it can help keep the burn from getting infected. Furthermore avoid cold water. Cold water and ice can actually irritate the burn area more. Stick to cool water and a cool compress.


When you’re sick to your tummy, it’s all about the ginger. Drink some ginger tea. Pop open a ginger soda. We know the last thing you want to be doing when you feel nauseous is eating, but adding some dry or fresh ginger to a small meal can also help. If you can’t stand ginger, you could alternatively try some peppermint aromatherapy. Burn a peppermint scented candle. Or, keep some peppermint essential oils on hand and break them out if your stomach decides to give you grief. The most effective method however, is definitely sniffing. Smell the oil as soon as the problem begins for it to be most effective.


Hiccups can be one of the most annoying things on the planet. There are a few home remedies to cure them which people swear by. There’s holding your breath. Another is eating a tablespoon of peanut butter. Or there’s swallowing a teaspoon of sugar. But one of the most foolproof tricks ever to rid yourself of hiccups sounds more than a little bizarre. Take a glass of water and fill it to the top. Then, place a paper towel over the top of the glass and hold it in place. You’re going to want to lean over the sink to avoid making a mess. Drink the water through the paper towel. Try to drink it from the top of the glass, not the side that is closest to your mouth. Drink it as fast as you can, we mean really chug it down. Don’t stop. Yes, some will miss your mouth entirely. Guaranteed your hiccups will be gone when you finish.


Omaya Michelle

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