Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

It’s starting to get hot hot hot outside and we need to say hydrated.

Why? Well, about 70 percent of our body is made up of water and our vital organs couldn’t function without it. That’s why it’s important to continually replenish our body with water, especially during the warm summer months.

We know that for most of us, sometimes it’s easier said than done. When the weather heats up during the summer, you can become dehydrated more quickly, even if you feel like you’re drinking enough water. 


And that’s why I’ve decided to share some of my favorite water based drink recipes.

These cold and flavorful combinations will get you through the season feeling happy and refreshed.

And the best part? We know it’s not easy to find healthy drink recipes that will satisfy your sugar craving, but when they’re water based it automatically makes it healthier. These ones are packed with fruits and mainly water so they won’t even mess with your summer body!


Cucumber, Lemon, Mint & Ginger

Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

We all know about the typical cucumber lemon water drink, but what if you added some mint, ginger, and even why not raspberries!

Check out the recipe here (quite straight to the point)


Coconut Water Refresher

Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

You could also change it up and swap your normal water for coconut Water – use 100% natural brands of course (or else it would completely defeat the purpose). The recipe here


Cucumber Coconut Water Green Smoothie

Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

And why not make it a smoothie? Recipe here

Staying hydrated and getting your daily dose of greens has never been so easy!


Basil Peach Fresh Water

Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

Changing flavors, this is an easy 3 step drink recipe that will help you make fresh cold fruit puree in less than 10 minutes, recipe here




Spotlight On: Stay Hydrated

And then for those of you who would rather eat instead of drink, I found great recipes that can satisfy anyone’s taste – from pure fruit base to using veggies or even adding a bit of yogurt, choose from this list of 24 guilt-free recipes. Or another recipe with pure yogurt fruit pops

And now how do we serve our drinks? We head to Ikea (or if we’re lazy Ikea’s website!)

We need a jug

Some glasses: short or long 

A nice tray – don’t you feel refreshed already?

Now be ready to impress your guests with these refreshing drinks the next time they come over (or to be honest you could even make them for yourself, I definitely will haha)

Enjoy and cheers!

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