What is the Mandela Effect?

If you haven’t already seen the movie – we’re here to tell you all about it. If you love conspiracy theories, this phenomenon is definitely something that will interest you. The Mandela Effect is the title given to the phenomenon when a large group of people within a society have collective “false” memories. For instance, when a group of people remembers a saying or memory a certain way when, in reality, the truth is different from memory. Some doctors believe the Mandela effect is a form of confabulation – a common analogy for confabulation is “honest lying.” A person creates a false memory without intending to lie or deceive others. Instead, they’re attempting to fill in gaps in their own memory. This makes sense because many examples of the Mandela effect are close to the original or true memory. Some researchers believe that people — even large groups of people — use confabulation to “remember” what they feel is the most likely sequence of events.

On the other hand, conspiracy theorists believe the Mandela effect is an example of alternate universes present in society and that the “changes” in the way we remember things are glitches in the matrix – this is to say that none of what we experience in reality is, well, real. We’ve lined up some examples of this phenomenon, and we must say, a lot of them are pretty crazy! What do you think of this theory? Is it a theory? We’ll let you decide that for yourselves.

Nelson Mandela’s Death

Let’s start with the reason we’re all here. Nelson Mandela, who this theory is named after, died in 2013. However, countless people distinctly remember him dying in prison in the 1980s. But his death isn’t the only example of a Mandela Effect.

The Berenstain Bears

We all remember the Berenstein bears… right? Well, the lovable cartoon bear family actually spelled their last name with an “a”: The Berenstain Bears.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall? Nope!

That memorable line from the movie Snow White, was, in fact, never the line at all. Believe it or not, the Wicked Queen says, “Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” Yup, our childhood has been ruined too. Listen for yourself here!

The Monopoly Man and his Monocle

Or more like the fact that he doesn’t have one! This one is just crazy to us. It seems like the first time we ever saw one of those things was on the monopoly man himself, but it turns out it was never there.


Omaya Michelle

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