Mind-Blowing Illusion Paintings

Did you know that if you walk past the Mona Lisa it is said that her eyes follow you across the room? We’ve all heard of optical illusions, but when thinking about the term, we tend to imagine perspective imagery and objects, black and white images, images that include movement – but never paintings. Op art, short for optical art, is a style of art that uses optical illusions and tends to be abstract – but can be of other various forms as well.

There are three main types of optical illusions including literal illusions, physiological illusions, and cognitive illusions. All three types of illusions have one common thread. The perception of the image given to the brain doesn’t measure up. That’s why optical illusions are referred to as a “trick” of the eye. Check out some of our favorite Mind-blowing Illusion paintings below!

“I Painted Myself, Painting Myself, Painting Myself”

The Hills Have Eyes

This just looks like the previous paintings combined…




Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic