The Most Expensive Weddings In History

Many women have been planning their wedding day since they were little girls. Weddings are beautiful affairs, and definitely a day that the bride will never forget. However, they also come with a hefty price tag. The average cost of a wedding in Dubai is anywhere between 297,500 AED to 500,000 AED. It’s not called “The Big Day” for nothing. That’s enough dosh to make anyone flinch. But, if you think that’s a bit on the pricey side, there have been weddings in history that make those sums look like nothing. If you’re curious about some of the most expensive weddings ever, take a gander at these extravagant events.


Margaret Of York and Charles The Bold Of Burgundy//Around 735 Million AED

We did say history, and for this wedding, we have to go all the way back to 1468. Back in Medieval times, weddings weren’t just a way to join nations and play strategic politics, they were also a way to show off your extreme wealth. While nobody likes a show-off, guests of this wedding were in for days of celebration and revelry. There were jousts, endless feasts, dancers, performances of all kind, and even special fountains that spouted free wine day and night. The bride was said to be carried in on a gold litter by white horses, and to wear a crown specially made for the wedding. Adjusted for today’s inflation, the multi-day celebration carried an insane price tag. But, can you really put a price on happiness?

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On this day 23 November 1503, Margaret of York died at Mechelen, Flanders, aged 57. Margaret was born on 3 May 1446, most likely at Fotheringhay Castle or perhaps Waltham Abbey. She was the daughter of Richard, Duke of York and Cecily Neville. She also had four brothers: Edward, Edmund, George and Richard and two sisters: Anne and Elizabeth. We can assume that she received an education fit for a high born lady of the time and also developed her love for manuscripts and books. Her father and brother Edmund were killed at the Battle of Wakefield on 30 December 1460, but her brother Edward became king in March 1461 as Edward IV. In May of 1465, Margaret attended the coronation of Edward's bride and queen Elizabeth Woodville and became a part of her household. During that time she got many marriage proposals. She was almost betrothed to Don Pedro of Aragon, but he died in 1466. Isabella, Duchess of Burgundy was working to cement an alliance with England – against France. Isabella had a son Charles, Count of Charolais. He was already twice married before but still had no living son. Isabella sent envoys to England seeking Margaret's hand for marriage to her son. In 1467 Charles succeeded his father as Duke of Burgundy. It was only by October 1467 that King Edward finally agreed to the match and Margaret gave her formal consent before the royal council. There were many who tried to prevent the marriage from happening especially Louis XI of France who tried to slander Margaret even suggesting that she was not a virgin and had secretly born a son. He also tried to intercept the papal dispensation given for the marriage. However, he was unsuccessful. The marriage contract was completed in February 1468 and signed in March. Margaret left England for Sluys on 23 June 1468 and safely arrived on the evening of the 25th. The following day she met her mother-in-law Isabella, and her husband's daughter, Mary. Their meeting was a success and all three of them stayed close for the rest of their lives. Both Margaret and Mary enjoyed hunting, falconry and reading. -> continued in the comments. ♡

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Prince Charles and Lady Diana of England//Around 466 Million AED

The scale of the royal wedding between Charles and Diana was insane, especially considering this was back in 1981. The guest list was around 3,5000 invitees strong. An additional 750 million people watched it from their TV screens around the globe. It is estimated that another 2 million people actually spectated the wedding parade as the couple’s glass coach made its way from the chapel. So, where did all that money go? For starters, 27 cakes were made for the big day. Then, there was the wedding gown, which was covered in 10,000 delicate pearls. And let’s not forget the 25-foot train. However, security for the wedding is likely where most of the money was spent. Adjusted for inflation, the price tag is astronomical. 


Khadija Uzhakhovs and Said Gutseriev//Around 3.7 Billion AED?!?!

She was a young dentistry student in Moscow, and he is the son of a Russian oil tycoon. Their wedding was something beyond belief and carried a price to boot. Want entertainment? This happy couple’s wedding boasted performances by three major names in music. Jennifer Lopez performed and even had three costume changes. Sting and Enrique Iglesias also took the stage. As a thank you for sharing in their special day, the couple gifted 600 guests jeweled boxes with inscribed names on them as wedding favors. The bride’s dress was so heavily encrusted with crystals, that it weighed nearly 13kg and made it very difficult to move around. The bride also rocked a tiara that was worth around 26 million AED on its own. Add to that flowers dripping from every inch of space, and a cake that could probably be seen from space, and it starts to add up. The father of the groom truly spared no expense. 


Omaya Michelle

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